According to Chinese traditional medical theory of Jingluo, the hand contains a network of channels which circulate vital energy. Acupuncture points are distributed along these channels. Rotating the iron balls within our hand stimulates the acupuncture points leading to better circulation (and unlocking vital energy). The Health Balls are placed in the palm and then rotated in a circular manner. Cloisonne health balls are packaged in beautiful dragon silk box. - 1.5" ball.
Mystery Box by The Bottom of the Cup Tea Room Classic Mystery Box: $19.29 Deluxe Mystery Box: $94.00 Prices inspired by our founding year, as well as how many years...
Stones: Amethyst, Goldstone and Garnet - Planetary Influence: Sun, Neptune and Pluto - Chakras: 1st, 2nd and 6th - Goldstone attracts love and positive energy and then teaches us how...
These beautifully embroidered black velvet pouches are ideal for tarot cards, stones or whatever you like! Pouch measures 5 x 7 inches.
These beautifully embroidered black velvet pouches are ideal for tarot cards, stones or whatever you like! Pouch measures 5 x 7 inches.